Free Shipping and Flat Rate Shipping Available. T&C Apply.

How do I confirm my order?

When you complete your order we will send you an order confirmation email. This confirms that we’ve received your order. If you spot any mistakes in relation to your order (for example, an incorrect delivery address) please let us know as soon as you can on email: When we have dispatched your order we will send you another email letting you know that the product(s) are on their way.


How do I cancel my order?

If you need to cancel an order for any reason get in touch with us as soon as you can by email us on

Generally we won’t be able to cancel an order that has already been dispatched to you. If we are unable to cancel the order then you can use our easy returns policy.


How can I track my order?

Your order can be tracked online 24/7 by logging into your account. Click the 'my account' link to log in and view your orders and their current status.


What does backorder mean?

We specialize in getting you our products in as timely a manner as possible. On occasion, an item may not be readily available and must be back ordered from the manufacturer. If any part of an order is back ordered, we follow these steps:

  • Notify you by email which items are on backorder and the estimated ship date. This email is sent within 48 hours of the order being placed.
  • As the estimated ship date approaches (within 1- 2 days of the ship date) we verify with the shipping warehouse or manufacturer that the date is still correct. If the manufacturer has a delay, we update the backorder date and again notify you by email. Production for some specialty items do happen - we apologize in advance, but we will do everything to help you get your products as soon as possible.
  • Back ordered items can be cancelled if they are confirmed as not- shipped. Items that have left the production (manufacturer) or original storage facility can no longer be cancelled as title is considered as passed to the customer.

If you need to cancel a back ordered item, please contact customer service on